As some of you may know, Ste Ormson and I took part in Challenge Roth last Sunday. What an event!
Here are my reflections. Sorry it’s long (you may want to grab a brew/beer/G&T etc) if you’re going to give a read.
It was about a year ago that Paul Hurden posted up with his race report from Challenge Roth 2022. I’d been lucky enough to race there 8 year’s earlier and, although the 37 degree heat nearly killed me, it was a belting race
Anyway, a seed was planted by Paul. I’d completed 9 IM distance races at that point and it just niggled me a bit. Maybe I had one more in me and Roth is certainly a mega event to finish on and make it a nice round 10.
I entered the ballot, but was rejected. I was gutted 😔 But, a few days later I got an email to say I was in. I was delighted 😀, then thought “hell I’ve got to get IM fit again” 😳 The pressure was on, both mentally and physically.
Fast forward to June 20th 2023. We fly to Munch with tickets for Depeche Mode that night at the Olympic stadium. The concert was awesome 🕺💃
The following day we head up to Roth. Now, Challenge Roth isn’t just a race, it’s like a festival. A small town comes to life and swells with triathletes and supporters from all over the globe. The locals embrace it and welcome strangers into their homes. The “Welcome home triathletes” banners are up in the towns along the bike and run routes. The local shop windows are filled with Challenge Roth memorabilia.
The atmosphere builds as the race gets closer. You get caught up in a wave and can’t help but get excited. There are goosebump moments. It’s unreal! Your heart beats that little bit faster with anticipation.
The expo is huge (we spent a few €€€😆) and it’s also an opportunity to spot the pros (or their bikes) and triathlon celebrities.
Race day came, the nerves were bubbling. I’m sharing transition with over 3,500 fellow nervous triathletes and pros. The music is pumping and reverberates through your body. The crowds are growing to epic proportions. The hot air balloons rise into the sky. As the mist on the canal begins to lift the countdown to the pro race begins. Then the cannon booms 💥 and they’re off. Before I know it, it’s my turn. I’m feeling surprisingly tranquil. I swim to the start, try to move to a safe position, then we were off. It’s chaos at the start but it soon settles down. There are supporters along the canal bank cheering as we swim past. Some walk along as we swim (it’s a struggle to keep up 😆). Towards the end we go under a bridge packed with supporters. We can hear the cheers. Soon enough we’re out of the water, helped by numerous volunteers (over 7,000 in total – that’s more than one per athlete!).
Into the T1 tent and another volunteer empties my bag and slaps on my factor 50 (I don’t want silly tan lines or Lee’s IM Regensburg fried egg 🍳). Then it’s out to the bike, then out of T1 amid massive crowds and deafening cheers. I spot Lee’s TP jersey and give him and my support crew a wave. Only 180km to go to T2.
Cue blissful road surface and beautiful scenery. It’s not a flat course, by any means, but the road surface is a dream. In every town and village the locals have come out to cheer (or get pissed 🍻, or both). I wave at the kids and give them a high five if they’re holding their hand out. The atmosphere is wonderful. The crowds on the lengthy climb out of Greding give some welcome extra watts. Then, to make me feel like I’m stationery, Patrick Lange and Ben Kanute come flying past 🙄 I safely negotiate the switchbacks on the decent and reach the fast section outside Obermassing. But, oh no, there’s a touch of wheels ahead and two riders hit the deck. There’s a lady lying on the road. I stop and help her up and get her bike off the road. She’s bloody and in shock. I try to reassure her, despite the language barrier (she’s Italian) before help arrives. Thankfully nothing is broken and I get the thumbs up to carry on. So, on to the Solarer berg. The Greding climb crowds seem nothing compared to this! It’s like climbing a mountain in the Tour de France. The crowds are awesome 😃 Another welcome boost! Lap 2, 120km in Ste slows briefly for a friendly chat as he passes. He’s going great on his beautiful new bike 🙌
Eventually T2 comes. My back is in bits (I put it out 2 days before the race 🤦🏻♀️) so I shuffle into the changing tent. A friendly Irish guy shares his Haribo while we prep for the run. There’s an elderly lady from Hawai who is the only one not suffering in the heat 🥵 She’s completed the bike and getting ready to run- respect!
It’s off on the run course to massive cheers again. My back doesn’t allow me to get fully upright at first and I can’t run for the jarring. I swallow some painkillers and keep smiling (or is it grimacing? 😂). It’s hot, chuffing hot (36 degrees my friends tell me the pharmacy thermometer says). But the crowds spur me on. As the pain relief kicks in, I get into a rhythm. I see Ste again when he’s about 21km in. He’s still going strong 💪 I trudge on. 27km I’m questioning my life choices. I have a little panic attack. My fantastic support crew work their wonders and get me going again. The run route heads through the centre of Roth. There are loads of people cheering, there are pop-up bars, music blaring. Another welcome boost. Then on to the final turning point in Büchenbach. The route feels like a roller coaster but there’s some welcome shade in the forest. There’s another party going on in Büchenbach and yet more cheers at the turnaround point. I must have heard my name shouted a thousand times today 😃Then it’s back towards Roth and the finish line. I can almost smell the beer 🤣 Finally I make it to the finisher arena. I spot Lee’s TP jersey in the crowd again. I raise my arms in glee and make a final spurt to the finish line. Yay! 🎉
Then, as if things couldn’t get any better, Chrissie Wellington steps forward and gives me my medal. I’m star struck 🤩 I tell her she’s made my day. I’m emotional. I stagger a few steps then burst into tears (happy tears). What a day!
If anyone is considering an iron distance race I can highly recommend Challenge Roth. Despite its size it has such a friendly feel. The organisation is superb. The bike course is ace. Definitely a bucket list event!
Entries for 2024 open on Monday, but you need to be quick. The race sold out in less than 2 minutes last year! If you’re lucky enough to grab a spot, you won’t be disappointed.
Hmm, I’m even tempted myself 🤦🏻♀️🤣